Monday, June 19, 2017

A Complete List of Cleaning Supplies for Hardwood Floors

A hardwood floor is a beautiful addition to your house or office. It is elegant and adds more value to your property, but only if you treat it right. If not maintained properly, hardwood floors can lose their beautiful shine and become dull, or even scratchy on the surface. Here are some of the things you can do to keep your hardwood floors luminescent for a long time.

Install Floor Mats and Protectors

One of the best ways to maintain hardwood floors is to prevent anything bad from happening to it. Place the floor mats both outside and inside the entrance to the area with hardwood floors to filter out debris and dirt that could scratch the wood surface. It is also a good idea to provide a shoe-changing area to avoid damage from the soles. If you have furniture inside the area, make sure to use floor protectors or rugs to prevent drag marks. Read more on this article:

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